DEAR ABBY: I've never written to you before, but I'm having a disagreement with my husband. We are taking our daughter out of state to drop her off at college in August. Our twin 15-year-old boys will be starting high school at the same time.
My husband thinks we can leave them home alone together for the five days and four nights we'll be gone; I feel we should arrange to have them stay with friends. He says we can trust them, and he's worried we'll be putting a burden on our friends. I'd like to ask two different families to take them for two nights each.
They are pretty responsible boys. I do trust them, but I still feel it's a bad idea to leave them home alone for that period of time. What do you think? -- HOME ALONE IN CALIFORNIA
DEAR HOME ALONE: I agree with you. Your sons may be angels, but to leave two minors who are not yet in high school alone for that length of time would be irresponsible. Don't do it.