DEAR ABBY: I'm acquainted with a woman who has been experiencing seizures for several years and, because of the seizures, has been restricted from driving. She drove her son to school a couple of years ago (he had missed the bus) and ran into a brick mailbox, totaling her car.
She now wants to be able to drive and has said she will not tell her doctor about recent seizures. Isn't this potentially dangerous? -- RESTRICTED DRIVING IN KENTUCKY
DEAR RESTRICTED DRIVING: Of course it's dangerous! It is also irresponsible and indefensible.
Periodically, we hear in the media about tragedies that happened because someone had a seizure and drove into a restaurant, a shop window, etc. For someone with an illness that could endanger the lives of passengers, pedestrians and other innocent people to get behind the wheel of a vehicle is selfish and unconscionable.
Encourage her to talk to her doctor about adjusting or changing her medication. And remind her that if she were to cause another accident, and it was discovered that she was driving in spite of being restricted, that she could not only kill people, she could also be prosecuted criminally and civilly.