DEAR ABBY: I'm writing because I see a lot of bullying going on at school. One of the bullies is a friend of mine and I've asked her to stop, but she doesn't listen. How I can get through to her so she understands that she's hurting someone's feelings? She treats people like they don't have feelings, like they are non-human. If you can't answer this letter, I'll understand, but if you find the time, I would greatly appreciate it. -- NOT A BULLY IN INDIANA
DEAR NOT A BULLY: People bully others for a variety of reasons. Among them, because they are angry and enjoy taking it out on others, because they themselves have been bullied, because it gives them a sense of power, or simply because they enjoy it. Not knowing your "friend," I can't guess what's driving her behavior. I suggest that you ask her what her reason is and after you hear her answer, you re-evaluate whether to distance yourself from her because, with bullies, the target can change and no one is safe.