DEAR ABBY: I'm a 15-year-old girl, and I'm struggling with abuse. I'm mentally and physically abused by my family constantly, yet they make me out to be the abusive one. I could do amazing on a test, and they yell at me for something that happened on the last one. They're always pushing me so hard to do better that it's making me do worse.
How can I make my family see that I'm not them, and I can do good if they just give me the chance to learn from my mistakes? -- STRUGGLING IN WISCONSIN
DEAR STRUGGLING: Parents always want their children to perform to their level of capacity. Because you say you are being abused physically and emotionally for your inability to live up to your family's expectations, discuss what's going on with a counselor at your school. It's possible there needs to be an intervention by someone they will listen to. Please don't wait to do it.