DEAR ABBY: My boss wants to do a day of community service with the staff to help others and improve relationships in the workplace. I thought it was a great idea; a lot of my co-workers were unsure and wanted more information about what specifically we would do. My boss said she would get more information and send it out to us. However, a few of my co-workers are outright opposed to the idea and think they shouldn't be required to do it.
A year ago when this came up, one of them said they shouldn't have to give up their free time. I think it's wrong to turn down a chance to help others when they are able. What should I do to make sure my boss's intentions are understood while not being off-putting or appearing holier-than-thou? -- BLEEDING HEART
DEAR BLEEDING HEART: The person who should be making her intentions clear is your boss. It should not be your responsibility. Frankly, I can see both sides of this question. Some companies do this not only to "do good," but also to build goodwill in the community and team spirit in the office. Usually, participation is voluntary.