DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have been married 35 years. Our sex life was never very active, but we have been each other's soul mates and best friends. We had a rough few years early on, but managed to come back together, and our relationship is great.
Recently, while I was setting up new email addresses, I saw some messages he had sent in response to requests from married men looking for sex with other men. I just can't reconcile this with the man I know; however, I'm sure it's true. I'm not sure if I should tell him I know, or if I should try to forget it. After all, I may be the reason he's looking for sexual satisfaction elsewhere. More than anything, I'm surprised he's not looking for a woman. I'm sure confused. What should I do? -- SOUL MATES IN TEXAS
DEAR SOUL MATES: I seriously doubt that this is your fault. Your husband doesn't look for women to satisfy his sex drive because his orientation may be homosexual (or bisexual) rather than heterosexual.
You say you are soul mates and best friends. Soul mates and best friends communicate honestly with each other. I do think you should level with him about what you discovered. Is his having sex outside of your marriage all right with you? If you have had sexual relations with him over the last few years, make an appointment with your doctor to be checked for STDs.