DEAR ABBY: I am a successful business professional in my mid-50s. I have put my children through college, and they have no student loans. (My wife did not help with any of the college expenses. It was all on me.)
I am finally at a point in my life that I can pursue my passion of buying a sports car. I have always been a car guy, and my wife knows it. When I bring up the subject of purchasing the car of my dreams, which is not very expensive, she tells me I will look like an idiot. In her next breath she says it's OK if I buy a sports car if it is the one she wants, and of course, the one she wants is very expensive.
No matter how I broach the subject, she does not "get" that it is not about her but about my passion as a car guy. How do I get her to see my side? -- REVVING UP IN NEW YORK
DEAR REVVING UP: If it's your money paying for the car, you don't have to get her to see your side. It will be yours -- not hers -- and you should buy the one that gives you pleasure and drive it to your heart's content.