DEAR ABBY: I have been divorced for five years, yet I can't seem to make headway. I constantly obsess about my failed marriage and the fact that my ex has moved on and remarried. I plot every day how to make his life miserable, which gives me some relief. I have been to counseling, but can't seem to move forward. I don't want to be stuck in this rut forever. Please help me. -- CAN'T GET OVER IT IN PENNSYLVANIA
DEAR CAN'T: The quickest way out of the rut would be to find another licensed therapist and get more counseling. Clearly, the first one didn't help you.
Plotting to make your ex's life miserable is not the answer. Acquiring the tools to make your own life better is the healthy, constructive way to go. And while you're at it, keep busy with activities you enjoy so you'll have less time to fixate on your situation.