DEAR ABBY: I am a 70-year-old woman, married for 50 years, and I hate my husband. He wants to go to swinger parties and toss me to other men. I tried it a couple of times for him and hated it.
He is overbearing and rude. We don't have any friends where we live, so he seeks out new people. He doesn't listen to my begging not to do this. His computer is full of porn and his thoughts are sinful, although he can't perform.
Every day I wish he were dead, but I feel guilty for these thoughts. Please tell me what to do. My life is unbearable. -- PAST MY LIMIT IN ORLANDO
DEAR PAST YOUR LIMIT: By now it should be apparent to you that you can't change your husband. The only thing you can change is yourself. If you find the strength to do that, your circumstances will change. Because you say your life is unbearable, stop bearing it. Talk to a lawyer and set yourself free.