DEAR ABBY: I am a happily married man with one problem that doesn't go away. I convinced my wife, "Ellen," to move to Florida so we could be close to my family, but now she doesn't trust them because of an altercation she had with my mother. Ellen says Mom made negative comments about her and lied about it.
My intention was for everyone to come together as a family, but now I feel I must decide whether I can be a part of the family. If I do, my wife feels I am saying it's OK for my family to hurt her. If I don't, I'll feel I'm missing out on spending time with them. Ellen no longer wants anything to do with my family and wants them to apologize. It has been a rough four years being trapped in the middle of this ongoing feud.
My father and I have talked and tried to resolve things to no avail. How can I fix this once and for all? -- TORN UP IN TAMPA
DEAR TORN UP: YOU can't fix it. I don't know what your mom said about your wife, but it must have been a doozy. Your mother might be able to mend fences, if she were willing -- but she doesn't appear to be.
Look at it from your wife's perspective. She sacrificed a comfortable lifestyle so you could forge a closer relationship with your family. It's your job to side with your wife. She has been wronged and made to feel unwelcome. A licensed family counselor may be able to help all of you patch up the damaged relationship, but only if everyone involved agrees to bury the hatchet.