DEAR ABBY: My older brother and son live with me. We are all adults, so we don't need to ask each other's permission before one of us leaves the house. Out of courtesy, I let them know where I'm going, who I'll be with, and if I am likely to be out late. When I'm out, if I realize that I'll be gone later than I thought, I text them. To me, this is common courtesy.
My brother and son say goodbye when they leave, but rarely volunteer any information about their plans. I hate to ask, because they are adults and it's none of my business, but it just seems rude. I'm often startled when they come home late and I am awakened, until I know it's them and not someone breaking in. If I wake up and they aren't home, I worry. Am I right to expect them to tell me where they are going and if they will be late? -- ANNOYED SISTER
DEAR ANNOYED: To expect to be told where your older brother and adult son are going and with whom seems like a lot of information to demand. However, being informed what time they will be back so you won't think someone is breaking in not only would be thoughtful but also practical.