DEAR ABBY: My husband of 26 years passed away unexpectedly at age 46. This was 2 1/2 years ago. I have not yet started dating; however, I finally feel like I'd like to.
I have an old friend from high school whom I have never dated, but I would like to explore the possibility. He lives in another town and we occasionally message on Facebook.
I need to pick up some papers from a former doctor of mine in that town, and I would like to see my friend. Should I ask him to meet me for coffee? Is that what "buddies" do? Or should I ask him to meet me for a beer? Would that let him know I want to sort of have a date? What do I say? -- SHY STARTER
DEAR SHY: Approach it this way: Call or message him that you plan to be in town to collect some documents, and ask if he'd "like to get together and catch up." That can hardly be considered aggressive. If he's interested, he can then ask you if you'd like to meet for coffee or a beer -- or even go all out and share a meal together.