DEAR ABBY: I'm a 26-year-old who is about to come out as transgender. I was born a male and will be transitioning into a female. My family doesn't know yet, and I have been debating for the past couple of years how to tell them.
My parents divorced when I was 2, and had a rocky relationship until recently. They both are now remarried and living happy lives. Can you please tell me how to tell them that I am a transgender woman? I would love to bring both of them together and talk, just the three of us, but I don't know if that would be the best option. What do I do? -- TRANSGENDER IN ARIZONA
DEAR TRANSGENDER: Regardless of whether your parents have remarried, they are still your mom and dad. If you have something that needs to be discussed with them, you should absolutely bring them together to talk privately about it. It would be the best way to give them the news.
Because you're looking for the words to explain what you're planning to tell them, contact PFLAG for suggestions. It is an organization that has been helping gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals to come out for many years. To contact it, go to