DEAR ABBY: How should I respond to someone who keeps her smartphone on and "fact-checks" anything that is mentioned in a group conversation? She's my brother's girlfriend, "Marla," and she's not a teenager. She's in her late 40s. I consider it rude. She invariably interjects a comment to confirm or dispute whatever has been said by saying, "Well, according to ..."
I admit I don't care for Marla for various reasons. However, she is perfect for my brother. To put it bluntly, I don't trust either of them. I try to limit contact with them because I feel so strongly. Am I right, or am I overreacting? -- AVOIDING CONTACT
DEAR AVOIDING CONTACT: Whether what Marla is doing is rude would depend upon why she feels compelled to fact-check during a conversation. If she does it as a form of one-upmanship, it's rude. If that's not the reason, she may do it out of insecurity or a desire to participate in the conversation.
That said, because you don't trust your brother or his lady friend, then it is only logical that you would avoid them as much as possible.