DEAR ABBY: I've heard that your dessert recipes are unmatchable and I'd like to have them. Some time ago, I saw a column that mentioned cookbooklets you have available for purchase. I hope that this is still correct, because I'm interested in ordering them.
By the way, what is your favorite dessert recipe, Abby? -- ANITA IN SADDLE BROOK, N.J.
DEAR ANITA: That's a hard question to answer because I have a notorious sweet tooth. The Coconut Cake With Custard Frosting, Chocolate Cake With Fluffy White Frosting (and chocolate drippings!), Cheesecake, Pecan Pie, the Chocolate Mousse and -- believe it or not -- the Fruitcake recipe, which is filled with nuts but not "cakey," are all favorites of mine. I have also served the Almond Coffeecake, Heavenly Peanut Butter Pie and Sweet Potato Pie to friends while entertaining, and received the ultimate compliment -- a request for "just a little more."
All of the recipes in my two cookbooklets have been used again and again. Some of them have won blue ribbons at county fairs; others have been featured on the covers of women's magazines. The booklets are still available and can be ordered by sending your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $14 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby -- Cookbooklet Set, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. My cookbooklet set contains more than 100 tasty recipes that also include soups, salads, appetizers and, of course, main courses. I know you will enjoy them all because my family and dinner guests -- as well as other readers -- have raved about them.