DEAR ABBY: We have an adult son and daughter who can't handle money and can't keep a job. Should we tell them they are NOT going to inherit everything we have when my wife and I are gone?
We have bailed them out of trouble more than once, but they don't seem to learn. They are in their 30s and 40s and neither one is looking for a job. Anything we left them would soon be squandered, and there are many organizations that could put the money to good use. We would leave them something, but nothing like what they expect. So: Tell them or not? -- PERPLEXED IN THE SOUTH
DEAR PERPLEXED: In the back of my mind is echoing the Boy Scout motto, "Be prepared." You should definitely tell your "children" now, while there's still time for them to get off their posteriors and start preparing for their financial futures.