DEAR ABBY: I have a friend whose 11-year-old grandson stays overnight with her sometimes on the weekends. She has only one bedroom, and I'm concerned because he still sleeps with her in the same bed.
I have mentioned it to her many times, and she says there is nothing wrong with it. I even purchased a nice air mattress, very easy to inflate, which she accepted but doesn't use. I'm upset by this situation. I know she sometimes sleeps in revealing night clothes, although I don't know if she does when her grandson is there.
I find this sick and twisted. I am counting on you to set my friend straight and save this young boy from future turmoil. -- PROTECTIVE IN WASHINGTON
DEAR PROTECTIVE: There is an old French saying that approximately translates, "Evil be he who thinks evil of it." I see nothing sick or twisted about a boy who occasionally stays with his grandma and shares her bed, particularly if that's the way it has always been.
When he grows so big that the bed becomes too crowded for his comfort, I'm sure he'll let Granny know. Ultimately, the boy's parents are the ones responsible for his safety. It's likely they know about and approve of the sleeping arrangements.