DEAR ABBY: I am 44 and my husband of 20 years is 48. On a recent second honeymoon trip to Sweden, I became pregnant. We already have two beautiful, intelligent daughters, 17 and 14. One started university this fall while the other's a high school sophomore.
My problem is not so much the high-risk pregnancy, but rather that both of my girls strongly oppose the idea of us keeping the baby. Not only were they not thrilled when I broke the news to them, but they also cried.
My younger daughter is now giving me the cold shoulder. She doesn't like change and thinks having a sibling will disrupt our life. My older girl said she is glad she will be at the university so she won't have to have anything to do with the baby.
I am deeply hurt by their reactions. I need help to talk to them. Please give me some advice. -- EXPECTING IN CANADA
DEAR EXPECTING: Far more important than how your immature and self-centered daughters feel about your pregnancy is how you and your husband feel about it. Teenagers don't like to consider their parents as sexual beings, which may be part of the reason for their reaction.
Not knowing your girls, I'm not sure what they need to hear other than you love them and hope at some point they will become mature enough to accept the situation. But do not allow them to put you on the defensive. You don't owe them an apology. As a matter of fact, they owe you and their father one.