DEAR ABBY: My daughter is a lifeguard at a local pool.
Caregivers, please take note: While she's disciplining your child for dunking another, she cannot watch other children who might be struggling to catch a breath. You cannot possibly watch all the children you brought with you while you're busy on your cellphone.
Yes, lifeguards save lives. But if the lifeguard has to be a disciplinarian and a baby sitter as well as do her own job, she might not see the baby who fell into the pool while you were flirting with the sexy guy sitting near you. Having a lifeguard present does not excuse parents from taking care of their children. Do YOUR job and prevent a tragedy from happening. -- VIGILANT IN NEW JERSEY
DEAR VIGILANT: Thank you for reminding parents how important it is to watch their children at ALL times when they're near water. Too often we hear about the drowning death of a child because someone was distracted "for just a few moments." I hope my readers will take to heart your important message.