DEAR ABBY: My father is expecting his seventh child with his current "fiancee." I am the oldest of six girls; this child is expected to be a son. His fiancee is 11 years my junior -- 33 years younger than my father.
I recently started a family and have two children under the age of 2. For various reasons, I am fed up with playing nice regarding my father's relationships and irresponsible behavior.
They are having a baby shower for the expectant parents, and I don't want to attend. My husband thinks I am wrong because I can't muster up the spirit that a baby shower is supposed to evoke. I think I'm being smart for not bringing my funky attitude. Should I attend? -- OLDEST CHILD
DEAR OLDEST: I don't know how your siblings feel about this impending birth, but try to remember that showers are intended to celebrate the new life that's coming into the world. This isn't about whether you approve of your father's behavior or his choice of women. If he is as irresponsible as you say, that poor little boy will need all the help and emotional support he can get in the future.
If you opt not to attend, it may drive a wedge between you and your father, so I'm voting with your husband. Go with your siblings, be pleasant and leave your funky attitude at home, because if you don't, the person you will be isolating is yourself.