DEAR ABBY: My 34-year-old, single, independent son completely ignores me. He won't answer texts, emails, postal mail or phone calls. Weeks and months go by with no meaningful conversation between us.
I am sick of it, and tired of being treated so disrespectfully. I thought I had raised my son to be more thoughtful of others, especially his mother.
I'm ready to put an end to my misery by ignoring him back and "forgetting" holidays. That may not seem motherly, but I'm weary of trying to get him to be more responsive. Any suggestions? -- IGNORED MOM IN ATLANTA
DEAR IGNORED MOM: I don't know how often you have been calling, emailing, texting and writing to your son, but from what you have written, it might be a relief to both of you if you stop -- at least for a while. If he notices the silence and reaches out, you can discuss the reason for it then.
However, if he doesn't, you will have to accept that for whatever reason, this is the way he wants it. And if that's the case, it is important that you concentrate on your relationships with friends and other family members (if there are any) and activities that bring you happiness because, clearly, your relationship with your son does not.