DEAR ABBY: I am a teenager who went through some emotional stuff a couple of years ago. It was horrible. My parents thought it was just a phase, so I had to deal with it myself until it got better.
I don't feel like I can communicate with my parents. If I try, I'm afraid they'll just downplay it again.
I feel so alone sometimes. Even when I'm happy I still have this feeling of sadness. Then suddenly, I feel angry for no reason, and I hate it. Other times, I get so anxious I don't know what to do. I feel like my friends don't like me, even though nothing is wrong. I feel stuck.
Most people say it's because I'm a teenager, and that's what I try to tell myself, but it doesn't work. I don't know what to do. What do you think, Abby? -- ANONYMOUS IN THE U.S.A.
DEAR ANONYMOUS: I'm sorry that when you tried to tell your parents you were in pain they didn't take you seriously. While the feelings you're having may be caused by "raging teenage hormones," they could also be a symptom of something more. That's why I'm suggesting you talk to another trusted adult about your feelings -- the parent of one of your close friends, a counselor at school or your pediatrician, if you have one. It never hurts to have a "reality check" every once in a while, and when you share what's going on in your head with someone who has more life experience, it can give you a better perspective.