DEAR ABBY: My 16-year-old daughter, "Sierra," started baby-sitting in the afternoons for a couple when she was 15. Sometimes her dad or I would drop her off; sometimes the husband, "Karl," would before he left for work. My husband and Karl became friends, and when Karl and his wife split up, we let him stay on our couch for a few months.
Then we found out Sierra was pregnant and that she and Karl had been sleeping together before he split with his wife. My daughter is upset that we want to involve the police and press charges because she was underage. How can I get Sierra to stop hating me and understand that this relationship isn't healthy? -- "THE ENEMY MOM" IN SOUTH CAROLINA
DEAR "ENEMY MOM": Sierra is mad at you because you are injecting an unwelcome note of reality into her fantasy of "love." Karl is a predator who needs to be answerable for what he did. He will also have to support that child until he or she is no longer a minor. Because he has shown himself to be amoral and irresponsible, involve not only the police but also the department of social services to ensure that he lives up to all of his responsibilities.