DEAR ABBY: My husband and I are pregnant with our first child. We are beyond excited and can't wait for our little one to get here. Our problem: My mother-in-law is getting married two weeks after our baby is supposed to arrive, and she's expecting all of us to go.
While I'm happy she has found someone she wants to spend her life with, I will not be there and neither will our child. I have told my husband this and explained my concerns, but I will support him if he decides to go since it's his mother.
How can I turn her down in a polite way so it doesn't sound like I'm a horrible daughter-in-law? -- FIRST-TIME MAMA
DEAR FIRST-TIME MAMA: Unless a woman is having a C-section, babies don't always arrive on the expected due date. Sometimes they can be a week late -- or more. If you feel you need time to rest, recuperate and get your child on a regular nursing schedule, tell that to your mother-in-law.
As a new mother you are going to have to quickly learn to prioritize, and your child's well-being and your health must come first. Expect her to be disappointed, but make clear that you love her and wish her a lifetime of happiness, but you will be unable to attend.