DEAR ABBY: My husband's best friend gave us a very generous gift for our toddler. However, it arrived with the news that the baby he and his girlfriend are expecting may have serious complications, which could result in termination of the pregnancy. Abby, I am also expecting.
I know I should send them a thank-you note, but I don't want to sound overly cheerful when someone is obviously suffering. Is there a way to appropriately express our thanks in writing while still being sensitive? I want to show my concern without overstepping my boundaries. -- LOST FOR WORDS
DEAR LOST: My advice is to stay on message. Thank the man for his generous gift and say how much it is appreciated. If you wish to express concern for the difficult time they are going through, do so without going into detail. It's sufficient to say that he and his girlfriend are in your thoughts and prayers. Make no reference to your own pregnancy because in this communication it's not relevant.