DEAR ABBY: I am an adult heterosexual male who has discovered that I like wearing nail polish. I feel it should not be a matter of gender, but of taste and fashion.
I wore a reasonably bold color in public for the first time a week before last. It was a light, metallic blue that changes to green in the sunlight. I got a few raised eyebrows and a few compliments in my conservative, small town. I was told, however, to leave the color red to the ladies.
I know some companies are already marketing nail color for men, and I hope nail decor for both genders will one day become mainstream. I want to help that process along. What do you think, Abby? -- SHOWIN' MY TRUE COLORS IN TEXAS
DEAR SHOWIN': Although over the last few years I have seen males wear nail polish, it was usually a very dark color and the wearer was a rock star or a Goth. Frankly, I think that for an adult heterosexual male to wear light blue nail polish in public in the great state of Texas shows he is not only a trendsetter, but also has a lot of guts.