DEAR ABBY: I just turned 14 and had a small party with relatives to celebrate it. A few days later my mom bought me thank-you cards and said I should send them out.
I told the people "thank you" for the gifts in person. I don't think thank-you cards are necessary for something as small as birthdays. Shouldn't they be reserved for things like weddings and baby showers?
Mom and I are anxious to see your answer. -- NO THANK-YOU
DEAR NO THANK-YOU: Listen to your mother because she's trying to tell you something important. When people do something nice for you -- such as give you a birthday or Christmas gift -- their thoughtfulness and generosity should be acknowledged with a written thank-you. It's not a waste of your time.
People are inclined to be more generous to those who show their appreciation, as you will learn in many situations as time passes.