DEAR ABBY: I'm 15. Yesterday, they told our class that one of my friend's parents had died suddenly. Every single person in our grade cried, except for me. I felt bad about not crying for my friend's loss, but I just didn't.
Another friend told me that last night people were texting, and it had been mentioned several times that I wasn't crying and that it looked like I didn't care, even though I do. I feel bad about not crying, but I don't want to lie and say that I did. Please help me. -- DRY-EYED IN COLORADO
DEAR DRY-EYED: If you feel that any explanation is called for, simply say that when you heard the news you were so stunned that you couldn't cry. Your reaction is very common. When bad news is conveyed, some people are just struck numb. Believe me, not everyone who can cry on command is necessarily grieving.