DEAR ABBY: I'm 62 and own my own home. I have legal guardianship of my eldest grandson, who is 5. Another grandchild is 2 1/2 and in foster care. I would like to keep both children together because I have been told that in the long run it is better so they won't lose contact with each other.
Some friends of mine have been telling me I should let the little one get adopted through the state in a closed adoption. This is really traumatic for me and I'm not sure what to do.
Please give me some advice. I love both of my grandchildren and want the best for them, now and in the long term. -- QUANDRIFIED IN CALIFORNIA
DEAR QUANDRIFIED: Many grandparents raise their grandchildren successfully. If your health is good, and you have a high energy level and relatives who can provide respite when you need it, have both of your grandchildren live with you. If not, you must consider what could happen to them if something should happen to you.
AARP can be a helpful resource. It offers information on a wide variety of issues related to raising grandchildren, financial assistance and advocacy. To find out more, go to