DEAR ABBY: Should I or shouldn't I tell my boss that more than a few people have come to me asking if he is fooling around with a young woman here in the office?
He is married; she is not. They spend a lot of time together "just visiting," laughing and obviously flirting. They have also been seen coming and going together, having lunch together every day, etc.
My reaction is that whether they are or aren't, it isn't my business. A little voice keeps telling me that, as his personal secretary, he may want to be made aware that people are talking about him behind his back, and I do feel protective and a sense of loyalty to him. Understand that I do not want to discuss it with him, have verification, denial or anything else -- only to give him the information. -- VACILLATING IN OHIO
DEAR VACILLATING: If there is anything going on in your employer's business that distracts from the work his employees are doing, he should be made aware.