DEAR ABBY: I am a woman in an exclusive, committed relationship with "Vince." We have talked about a future together and getting married. My only issue is I can't seem to keep him off of dating sites. Even when I catch Vince red-handed, he'll deny it or blame it on his friend "using his ID."
I have asked him over and over to delete the sites, but he won't. He continues to tell me he's in love with me and wants only me. He says I'm the woman of his dreams. If that's true, there should be no need for him to look anymore, right?
Please help me understand his obsession, and if there are any tools I can use to be more effective to talk to Vince about this. -- FUMING IN FLORIDA
DEAR FUMING: Your communication tools are just fine. Your ability to recognize when someone is stringing you along is what needs improvement.
You may feel you are in a committed relationship, but Vince appears to be less committed than you are. Worse, he also has a problem telling the truth. If Vince wanted only you and was ready to settle down, he wouldn't compulsively look online to see who else is available.