DEAR ABBY: I meet my dad for dinner once a week, which we both enjoy and have done for years. Dad stays very healthy and enjoys running and biking, which I completely support and admire him for.
The problem is, he has started running to our meals. He sweats a lot when he runs, so he arrives at the restaurant literally dripping. He then grabs a handful of napkins to wipe off, and lifts his shirt to wipe his face and neck with it. Abby, he's so sweaty that he has dripped on the counter when he signed the receipt.
I find this unbelievably rude, not just to me but to the restaurant. This wouldn't even be appropriate in a fast-food joint -- but this isn't one. It's a nice restaurant where people are trying to enjoy their meal. I feel if he wants to run to our dinners, he should arrange to get there early enough so he can dry off in a bathroom and change his shirt. He insists it's no big deal and that sweating is "normal."
What should I do? This is really getting to me. -- DISGUSTED IN SEATTLE
DEAR DISGUSTED: While I, too, admire your father's dedication to physical fitness, I can understand why his behavior would bother you. It is gross. If you haven't already expressed to him how inconsiderate this is, please do.
Because your father likes to run to the restaurant, consider stashing a supply of towels and shirts in the trunk of your car for him to change into in the men's room out of view of other patrons. (And don't forget the deodorant.) If he refuses to cooperate, then please -- for everyone's sake -- pick him up and transport him to the restaurant. Just reading your letter is enough to make the famished lose their appetite.