DEAR ABBY: I am frustrated and angry over a situation that should be fun and happy. My husband, "Rick," and I are planning a trip with our two children next month. We will visit family while we are there, but they don't have room for us to stay in their home.
Rick wants to bring his mother with us. It will be a tight fit in our car, but I don't have a problem with that. What bothers me is that Rick wants her to stay with us in our hotel room.
I am a very private person. I have a problem sharing such close quarters with her. There is no privacy in a hotel room!
I offered to get two rooms, but he feels I am being unreasonable. I feel three adults plus two children is a lot to pack into a small hotel room.
Am I being unreasonable? Or should I just accept it and deal with being miserable? -- FRUSTRATED IN THE SOUTH
DEAR FRUSTRATED: Although there may be exceptions, as a general rule, adults need their privacy. Frankly, I am surprised your mother-in-law would be willing to go along with such an arrangement. This is a vacation, and you should not be miserable when you're supposed to be enjoying it.
A better solution would be to get two rooms, and the children should bunk with their grandmother. That way you and your husband could enjoy some private time together.