DEAR ABBY: I am a semi-retired widow in my 60s. A few months ago I started spending time with a man I work with. We would see each other once or twice a month, strictly as friends. Our "dates" ended with a platonic hug.
About a month ago, a hug turned into an embrace. A week later, the embrace became a passionate kiss. Since then, whenever we get together -- now once or twice a week -- we spend a good portion of our time together "making out." We love the way each other kisses.
The problem is, we're still just friends. There is no desire on the part of either of us to take the relationship up a notch. What do we do? We should not be kissing a friend the way we do, but we can't seem to stop.
We're not hurting anyone. We have tried meeting only in public places, but there is still the goodnight kiss. I never thought I'd need this kind of advice at my age. Must we stop spending time together? -- FLABBERGASTED IN WISCONSIN
DEAR FLABBERGASTED: Not in my opinion. I assume you're both eligible. This is the way relationships develop, and you would be foolish not to see where it leads. As of now, a kiss is still a kiss. Let me hear from you in a month.