DEAR ABBY: My fiance's friend "Art" and his wife, "Julie," just had a baby. While Julie was pregnant she asked my fiance and me to be godparents. Although we could not attend her baby shower due to a previous commitment, we contributed several gifts as well as a quilt I had made.
A few weeks later, Julie posted on her social networking site that she was thankful for her baby's godparents and named an entirely different couple -- not us. I am offended. If she had discussed her reason for the change with me, I would have understood. But there was no dialogue, and to this day I have never received so much as a thank-you for our shower presents.
I would like to distance myself from Julie, but without damaging the relationship between Art and my fiance, who thinks I am overreacting and should let it go. What are your thoughts? -- NOT A GODMOTHER
DEAR NOT A GODMOTHER: Julie may have been upset that you and your fiance didn't attend the baby shower, or she may have spoken too quickly when she asked you to be godparents and didn't have the courage to say so.
Whether you can let this go only you can decide, but I do think that before you make up your mind, you should have a chat with her and clear the air -- if only because your fiance and her husband are such good friends.