DEAR ABBY: During the late 1950s I was married to the prettiest girl I ever set eyes on. "Jenny" and I were in our early 20s and naive. Back then, it wasn't considered "manly" to talk over anything that might be bothering you, so there was little to no communication. Consequently, we weren't able to meet each other's emotional or sexual needs. After 18 years and two sons, we divorced.
Thirty-five years later, divine providence intervened and our paths have crossed again. Jenny and I are now talking, laughing, crying and loving together. Abby, please remind your readers that if they are having problems in their marriage to sit down and talk things over, with a counselor if necessary. Because we couldn't do that, we lost 35 years of good times.
We now see that neither of us ever lost that strong love we had for each other. She is still the prettiest grandmother I have ever laid eyes on. I never stopped loving her, and we have never been as happy as we are now. -- OLDER BUT WISER IN CALIFORNIA
DEAR OLDER BUT WISER: What you lost so many years ago you and Jenny have gained in life experience. Communication is the key to successful relationships, and I'm pleased that you have achieved it now. Your letter is an important one, and I hope my readers will take it to heart. May you both enjoy many more happy years together.