DEAR ABBY: My wife and I have had many discussions regarding tattoos. She would say she wanted one; I'd disagree.
Well, just before her birthday she had her best friend, a tattoo artist, give her a small tattoo of a dragonfly with dots representing our four children. I didn't know about it for about six weeks, until I walked up behind her at her computer desk and noticed it on her upper shoulder. Our kids knew and hadn't said anything.
I got really mad and left the house for a while. When I returned and began arguing with her, she would say only that it was her body, and she would do whatever she wanted.
I have gotten over the tattoo part, but I haven't forgotten about not knowing and how I finally found out. I am hurt that she didn't tell me. She doesn't think it's worth apologizing for. It seems like everything she does now is one big secret. Please advise. -- HURT TO THE BONE IN KENTUCKY
DEAR HURT TO THE BONE: Your wife didn't tell you because she wanted to avoid the argument that she knew would follow. Your children didn't say anything because they were protecting their mother.
It appears that you and your wife have significant communication problems. Counseling might help, and I recommend it because secrets can cause marriages to crumble.