DEAR ABBY: I have been married for 35 years. We have one daughter. My husband has this "thing" about grabbing other women's behinds. He hugs them and then goes in for a grab. It bothers me so much. It hurts my feelings and I have told him so, but he still does it.
Men have told me they don't want him touching their wives this way. Others have said it's disrespectful to me. He says he will try to stop doing it. Try? That doesn't set well with me.
What do you think about this? Am I overreacting? After all these years, I just don't know what to think. -- HANDS OFF IN ROCHESTER, N.Y.
DEAR HANDS OFF: I agree that pinching other women's bottoms is disrespectful (unless you're in Italy, where it's the norm). It appears you have spent 35 years married to an unrepentant lecher. I'd think that by now he would have trouble hugging any woman twice if she saw him with arms outstretched.
Because you can't convince your husband to change his ways, try this: When a man complains about your husband's misbehavior, tell him he should deliver that message directly to your spouse. Perhaps that will get the point across.