DEAR ABBY: I'm 15 and I really like this boy, but I can't find the courage to ask him out. I'm pretty sure he likes me, too, because whenever we're together he holds my hand or puts his arms around me.
He has a great smile and personality. We have many things in common, such as we both play an instrument, we make each other laugh and we're both close with our families. What I don't understand is why he hasn't made a move yet to ask me out. -- NEEDS LOVE HELP
DEAR NEEDS LOVE HELP: I can think of a few reasons, and none of them have anything to do with how much he likes you. He may not be able to afford to ask you out, he may feel shy, he may not feel ready to date, or his parents may prefer that he concentrate on something other than romance. Some teens get around this by socializing in groups, so instead of asking him "out," consider asking if he'd like to join you and a group of your friends sometime.