DEAR ABBY: I have been dating "Larry" for a little over a year. During this time he has been in and out of work. Anytime we go anywhere or do anything, he never offers to pay. Even if he has money in his pocket, he'll look the other way when a check arrives. Other times, he insists on "Dutch treat."
Larry says we were raised differently. I say he's cheap. When the holidays come around, I never receive a gift or a card. I am a hardworking woman who is currently holding down two full-time jobs. I don't see why Larry feels he is entitled.
Am I out of line for thinking a man should "treat" a woman? I just don't think Larry is morally correct. -- PAYING DEARLY IN NAPLES, FLA.
DEAR PAYING DEARLY: I agree that you and Larry were raised differently. I also agree that he's cheap. However, the idea that a man should always treat a woman is outdated.
You signed yourself "Paying Dearly." The question is, are you getting what you're paying for -- and is it enough for you? If the answer is no, then scratch Larry.