DEAR ABBY: My sister sent me an email asking what I was getting our mom for her birthday because she had very few ideas. I told her I was planning to get Mom a gift card so she could buy a book for her e-reader.
Two days later, my sister emailed me back telling me she liked my idea so much she used it and mailed Mom the same gift card herself. She said it's "no big deal" if we got Mom the same thing.
It's a big deal to me. I think it was rude and inconsiderate. She says I'm being "ridiculous" because "it's only a gift card" and it doesn't matter if Mom got two of them. To me, if you ask what I'm getting someone as a gift, it's rude to run out and buy that item yourself. Who do you agree with? -- LEARNED A LESSON IN LEWISBURG, PA.
DEAR LEARNED A LESSON: I agree with you. But rather than hold a grudge, take the lesson to heart. The next time your sister asks you for gift suggestions for a relative, tell her, "Gee, I haven't decided yet."