DEAR ABBY: I started dating my boyfriend a month ago. On our third date he informed me that he was previously married. It lasted two years and he has been divorced for almost a year. It didn't bother me, so I let it go.
He introduced me to his two roommates -- one of them is female. After spending a day with them, I noticed he had an odd relationship with her. When I asked him about it later, he said she's his ex-wife. They live together and share basically everything, including groceries and a laptop. He can't seem to understand why I'm disturbed by this.
He says the decision to divorce was mutual and that they have both been seeing other people for a while. I adore him and hate to end a fantastic relationship because I'm jealous. I have no life experience to prepare me to handle this sort of situation, so I don't know what to do. Help! -- TAKEN ABACK IN PITTSBURGH
DEAR TAKEN ABACK: Sometimes when a person doesn't know what to do, the best thing to do is -- nothing. Your relationship is very new. Stay calm and see how it develops. If you both decide to take it to the next level, the living arrangements may change to something you're more comfortable with.