DEAR ABBY: Over the past month I have accidentally dialed a couple of wrong numbers. Because no one answered, I didn't think it was necessary to leave a message.
Abby, both times the recipient of the wrong number called me to find out why I had called. The first time it was an irate mother demanding to know why I was calling her kid's cellphone. She threatened to call the police if I ever called again. The second individual also angrily demanded to know why I was calling. These folks could not accept the fact that I had simply misdialed.
I feel their reactions were unwarranted. Would you agree? What is the best way to respond if it happens again? -- HONESTLY MISTAKEN IN PLANO, TEXAS
DEAR HONESTLY MISTAKEN: People call wrong numbers every day. A misdial can occur if the caller is in a hurry or has poor vision, and it should not be a cause for panic or rudeness. If it happens again, the best way to respond is, "I misdialed. I'm sorry I bothered you." Then end the call.