DEAR ABBY: It's Father's Day and I'd like to salute one particular unsung hero -- my dad. He was there for me and my sister despite a difficult workload throughout our childhood. He has always been generous with love and affection, and I have no doubt that he has sacrificed things he wanted personally for our benefit.
Dad has been the calming voice during times of strife. He can fix anything from a broken washing machine to a broken heart. He has not only nurtured us, but our children as well.
He has been our role model when it comes to setting an example of what a man, husband, father and grandfather should be. He is never judgmental and has always shown us the best in ourselves. He's consistent in his love of God, country and family. He is patient, kind, generous and smart in ways I only wish I could be.
To top it off, he found us the best mother we could have hoped for. They have been married 58 years. My unsung hero doesn't wear a cape, but I do believe he has certainly earned a halo. -- SHARON IN BRANDON, FLA.
DEAR SHARON: What a sweet letter. I'm printing it to honor not only your father but also the millions of men who dedicate themselves daily to raising their children with love and support. In addition, I'd like to extend a Happy Father's Day to fathers everywhere -- not only birth fathers but also stepfathers, foster fathers and those caring individuals who mentor youngsters whose parents are absent or deceased.
Bless you all.