DEAR ABBY: I was at a party where guests were exposed to salmonella that was on one of the vegetables served as an appetizer. At least 11 people were affected by it. The hosts talked to only one or two of the people who were affected. Some of us were concerned that the hosts didn't contact everyone and warn them of what had happened.
Don't you think they had a responsibility to contact all their guests and advise them of the problem, and even express concern and apologies? -- SICK IN CALIFORNIA
DEAR SICK: Yes, I do. A responsible host would not only call to advise the guests and apologize to anyone who was affected, but also contact the manager of the store at which the vegetables were purchased. If the store isn't put on notice, it can't prevent other customers from buying contaminated produce.
Now that you know how little consideration your hosts had for the welfare of their guests, reconsider accepting another of their dinner invitations.