DEAR ABBY: I'm a 16-year-old girl. I have good grades, participate in sports and activities, and I'm involved in my church. My parents have always trusted me and given me freedom because they know I can handle it.
I want to attend a concert in a bigger town with a friend. However, my parents insist I must have an adult with me. I feel I'm responsible enough to go to the concert without one. How can I convince my parents? (A parent would be driving us to and from the concert.) -- CAN HANDLE IT IN OREGON
DEAR CAN HANDLE IT: Your parents want to be sure you are safe. Although they trust you to act responsibly, they may not be so confident about other fans in the audience. When large numbers of people gather for sports events and concerts, there is always the chance that a few troublemakers may cause a commotion or even a stampede. That's why the performers usually have heavy security around them. Please don't take your parents' stance on this personally. They are trying to protect you.