DEAR ABBY: I'm 13, and one of my best friends attempted suicide. "Greg" always seemed so happy that this has come as a shock to all of us. We're thankful he is alive, but we don't know how to behave around him.
When Greg returns to school, what should we talk about and how can we (his friends) support him? -- GIVEN A SECOND CHANCE
DEAR GIVEN: Greg is lucky to have such caring friends as you. When you see him, tell him you're glad to see him and were concerned about him. Do not pump him for details. If he wants to talk about what happened, let him do it in his own time.
As to what to talk about with him, talk about the things you always have and include him in all the activities you have in the past. Knowing his friends care about him is very important.
If you have further concerns, discuss them with a guidance counselor at school or contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Its phone number is (800) 273-8255 and its website is