DEAR ABBY: We are a group of ladies in retirement in a smallish town. One member of our group has, over the last few years, started to "put on a show" -- and I mean that literally.
"Dottie" writes revues and, of course, stars in them herself. While there's nothing wrong with a vanity production, this woman is making herself look foolish. She is not slender (no sin), but she is also not talented.
Dottie's friends feel she looks ridiculous singing and dancing, but no one has the nerve to tell her because she is vain and has a short temper. We can't tell our pudgy, gray-haired friend to get off the stage, so we thought you might be just the person to save our friend's dignity. Can you help? -- IN THE WINGS IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
DEAR IN THE WINGS: Your friend is living her dream of being in the footlights. It is not up to you or me to "save her dignity" by bursting her bubble. If you don't like her performance, no law says you -- or anyone else -- must attend her revues. And feeling as you ladies do, it might be kinder if you stayed away.