DEAR ABBY: I am a teenage girl about to start looking for my first job. I have four facial piercings and I feel they may be detrimental to finding one.
I have researched effective ways of hiding my choices in jewelry. My question is, during an interview, is it OK to ask about a company's policy on piercings? My mother thinks I shouldn't, but I feel it might be a good idea to be upfront about the way I like to look.
Taking the piercings out is not an option. I have invested too much time, energy, money and pain. The fact that I can keep my piercings clean and healthy should speak for my level of responsibility. I would love some advice, Abby. -- BEJEWELED IN OTTAWA
DEAR BEJEWELED: Many businesses and companies have strict codes that cover how they want their employees to look while representing them. Regardless of how clean you keep your body jewelry, if you don't fit their "brand" image, you will not qualify.
Because you have too much invested in your piercings to remove them, my advice is to interview with companies that are involved in the arts, fashion, media and Internet technology. They cater to a younger, more liberal demographic, and you will be free to be more yourself than have to project a corporate image.