DEAR ABBY: My wife and I were having dinner with another couple when a conversation ensued that divided the men's views from the women's. It concerned a recently widowed man (I'll call him "John") who is dating a woman from our wives' circle of friends, "Peggy." (Peggy is a widow.)
The wives were appalled that John has begun dating only three months after his wife "Gloria's" death, and insisted a woman in his situation would not. Furthermore, the women went on to question whether it was appropriate for him to date within Gloria's circle of friends. Our wives believe that anyone within this circle should be off limits, while we men don't see it as a problem.
So my question is: What is the proper protocol? (As an aside, the women now shun both John and Peggy.) -- JUST WONDERING IN THE BAY AREA
DEAR JUST WONDERING: "The wives" obviously identify with Gloria and feel that John's not wearing sackcloth and ashes for at least a year after her death is disrespectful to her memory. That's what they would expect from you. They would also prefer that you not date any of the available women in your circle. They were stating their feelings. So consider yourselves put on notice!
From my perspective, it seems your wives feel neither John nor Peggy has grieved long enough, and so they are punishing them. It is possible, however, that Gloria told John she didn't want him to be alone and grieve after she was gone, which is why he is being comforted by someone who knew them both. I'd advise your wives to give them the benefit of the doubt instead of shunning them.